Today's encouragement comes from Romans 8:1, which says this:
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” (ESV)*How* can there "now be no condemnation" for Christian churchmen who are “in Christ Jesus”—especially given the fact that Paul had earlier stated (in ch. 7 of Romans), that the indwelling sin nature continues to trouble us? Because Someone else (Jesus Christ) has accomplished our redemption and the for-giveness of our sins for us, (cf. Rom. 8:2-3).
If it was at all up to us, there would be no hope at all. We would all be doom-ed, and condemned. But our redemption is not dependent upon us at all. In-stead, it rests entirely on the Lord Jesus Christ. How do we then participate in His atonement? By grace through faith in The Messiah, (plus nothing). This gospel is truly revolutionary; and the world has no understanding of it. But let us who are known by God bless Him for revealing it to us.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The gospel stands in no need of external evidenc-es of its truth and divinity. It carries its own light and evidence with it.” —Jon-athan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Wisdom of God"]