Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 34:4, where we read these words:
"I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."David's method (above) for dealing with fears is a great model for all believ-ers. Usually, our natural tendency when we are fearful—instead of going to God with it—is to allow it to worry us, and to wear us down. Fear is a power-ful, energy-draining emotion; and the only true antidote to it is the peace that only Christ can give.
. . . And how do we attain to the experience of that kind of peace? By seeking the Lord (see above). Once God has "heard" us, we have the assurance that our concern is laid to rest. The Holy Spirit communicates this to our hearts; and we can go on living confidently and courageously in the grace and love of Christ—all by faith.
[Puritan quote of the day: "When a man can praise God for what he has, God will give him more, and give him a better condition.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]