Today's encouragement comes from Mark 7:9, where we read these words:
"[Jesus] said to [the scribes and Pharisees], 'All too well you reject the com-mandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.' "Some tradition—even in the most gospel-saturated churches—is totally un-avoidable; and is in many cases very good. The problem comes in when re-ligious sinners (even claiming to honor God) exalt their human (non-God-or-dained) traditions *over* the specific law and gospel dictates and require-ments of God (as they are found in the Holy Scriptures).
This is why we may, and should, without making any apologies whatsoever, totally and completely disregard *all* doctrinal religious traditions that would be foisted on us—if they cannot be traced directly (or by necessary inference) to the written word of God. In this way we may enjoy our freedom in Jesus, as God’s liberated churchmen.
[Luther quote of the day: "When we willingly and gladly hear the Word preached . . . let us assure ourselves that God, by and with this preaching, sends the Holy Spirit into our hearts.” —from Luther’s "Commentary on Gala-tians"]