Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Wed., 2/5/25 Devotion (Mk. 8:15)

Today's encouragement comes from Mark 8:15, which says this:

"Then [Jesus] charged them, saying, 'Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.' "

This is an interesting text. Our Redeemer wants us, His church, to "beware" of the teaching of certain elements, which are found in every society, in every place, and in every era (of fallen humanity). The one, Pharisaism, is well-known. It is hyper-religion, that seeks to be more righteous than God Himself. Essentially, it is self- or law-righteousness. (All false religions are variations on pharisaism.)

"Herod's" doctrine, however, gets much less press. It also is deadly. It is the mantra of the idolatry of man, characterized by the idea that position, policy, and prestige is what is really important in the world. The Lord Jesus would have us be wary of both of these forces. Let us be on our guard, trusting in Christ alone.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Saul's sparing Agag lost him the kingdom, and your sparing sin will lose you the kingdom of heaven.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Mischief of Sin"]