Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wed., 2/12/25 Devotion (Gen. 45:7)

Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 45:7, which says this:

"And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance."

This is Joseph speaking here (above), as he addressed his shocked brothers. Joseph is a "type" of Christ. Jesus fully and perfectly accomplished what Jo-seph did (partially and imperfectly): Christ has "preserve[d] a posterity . . . in the earth.” Our Savior did this through His sacrificial death and triumphant re-surrection, whereby He purchased God's church for the Holy Trinity.

As we are faithful lovers of the true God today, we may rejoice greatly in our Lord Jesus. All the benefits of heaven are ours, now, even here on earth, in our glorious Redeemer. These are all apprehended by grace through faith in Him.

[Puritan quote of the day: "God is not now terrifying to us; but in Christ, God's nature is Fatherly and sweet to us.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Free-dom"]