Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 6:10, where we read these words:
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."
Christians are to do good to all people; but first and foremost to their fellow-churchmen. This makes sense: the family of God must look out for each other first, before anyone else. Why? Partly because our closest heart-contacts are those natural family members who are also in the covenant of the (universal, yet particular) church. After them, our next closest "kin" is the rest of the church. From there, we are to care for people in their right order: other (unbe-lieving) family members, neighbors, co-workers, et. al.
As we follow this God-ordained pattern, we find our resources of time, talent, and treasure used in ways that please Christ, and forward His kingdom (of His church).
[Puritan quote of the day: "When men are godly, their parts [natural abilities] are not debased by their godliness but raised.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit"]
Monday, September 30, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fri.-Sabbath, 9/27-29/19 Devotion
Wahoo—it almost Sunday again! We *get* to go back to church! Here is Rich-ard Sibbes, from his amazing "The Bruised Reed" book. . . .
"Christ chose those to preach mercy who had felt most mercy, as Peter and Paul, that they might be examples of what they taught. Paul became all things to all men (1 Cor. 9:22), stooping unto them for their good. Christ came down from heaven and emptied Himself of majesty in tender love to souls. Shall we not come down from our high conceits to do any poor soul good? Shall man be proud after God has been humble? We see the ministers of Satan turn themselves into all shapes to 'make one proselyte' (Matt. 23:15). . . . After we are gained to Christ ourselves, we should labor to gain others to Christ. Holy ambition and [zeal] will move us to put upon ourselves the disposition of Christ. But we must put off ourselves first."
"Christ chose those to preach mercy who had felt most mercy, as Peter and Paul, that they might be examples of what they taught. Paul became all things to all men (1 Cor. 9:22), stooping unto them for their good. Christ came down from heaven and emptied Himself of majesty in tender love to souls. Shall we not come down from our high conceits to do any poor soul good? Shall man be proud after God has been humble? We see the ministers of Satan turn themselves into all shapes to 'make one proselyte' (Matt. 23:15). . . . After we are gained to Christ ourselves, we should labor to gain others to Christ. Holy ambition and [zeal] will move us to put upon ourselves the disposition of Christ. But we must put off ourselves first."
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Thurs., 9/26/19 Devotion (Gal. 2:21)
Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 2:21, where we read these great words:
"I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain."
The Apostle Paul was adamant about not giving in on the pure gospel of Christ and His grace. Like us, he felt the pressure to compromise the Person and work of the Lord Jesus—but, by grace, he refused to do so. There is al-ways a tendency in all of us to resort back to works, or law, as the means of our seeking a right standing with God. But this is to lose Jesus altogether; and to commit the most heinous spiritual crime against God, the One who saves His church by Christ's blood atonement alone, received by faith alone.
The church in Galatia temporarily caved-into the Judaizers of their day. Many in our time are doing the same. Let us continue to cling to Jesus, by faith—and hence, be His faithful church.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Surely it is best for you which Providence has ap-pointed, and one day you yourselves will judge it so to be.” —John Flavel, in, "The Mystery of Providence"]
"I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain."
The Apostle Paul was adamant about not giving in on the pure gospel of Christ and His grace. Like us, he felt the pressure to compromise the Person and work of the Lord Jesus—but, by grace, he refused to do so. There is al-ways a tendency in all of us to resort back to works, or law, as the means of our seeking a right standing with God. But this is to lose Jesus altogether; and to commit the most heinous spiritual crime against God, the One who saves His church by Christ's blood atonement alone, received by faith alone.
The church in Galatia temporarily caved-into the Judaizers of their day. Many in our time are doing the same. Let us continue to cling to Jesus, by faith—and hence, be His faithful church.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Surely it is best for you which Providence has ap-pointed, and one day you yourselves will judge it so to be.” —John Flavel, in, "The Mystery of Providence"]
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Wed., 9/25/19 Devotion (Gal. 1:8)
Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 1:8, where Paul wrote this:
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel con-trary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." (ESV)
Why are faithful church ministers of the gospel *so* adamant, insistent, and passionate about their Sunday sermons? Because they are called to preach the gospel of the Person and blood atonement of Christ. Paul puts a curse on anyone who would preach any other “gospel."
This has serious ramifications. It means that the hope of many Christians is false. Instead of trusting in Jesus alone, they are resting in their “sinner’s prayer,” or their good works, or the law (even of God). The sacrificed and ris-en Person of Jesus Christ alone is the only hope for us, or for anyone else.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Nothing more prostitutes the conscience, and no-thing utterly undoes men more, than being fast and loose with God in sacred vows and promises.” —Richard Steele, in, "The Character of an Upright Man"]
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel con-trary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." (ESV)
Why are faithful church ministers of the gospel *so* adamant, insistent, and passionate about their Sunday sermons? Because they are called to preach the gospel of the Person and blood atonement of Christ. Paul puts a curse on anyone who would preach any other “gospel."
This has serious ramifications. It means that the hope of many Christians is false. Instead of trusting in Jesus alone, they are resting in their “sinner’s prayer,” or their good works, or the law (even of God). The sacrificed and ris-en Person of Jesus Christ alone is the only hope for us, or for anyone else.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Nothing more prostitutes the conscience, and no-thing utterly undoes men more, than being fast and loose with God in sacred vows and promises.” —Richard Steele, in, "The Character of an Upright Man"]
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tues., 9/24/19 Devotion (2 Cor. 13:11c)
Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 13:11c, where we read these words:
" . . . And the God of love and peace will be with you."
Even the world relishes the idea of a God of "love and peace." Their "love and peace" god, however, is not the Lord of heaven and earth, who saves sinners and judges all men (according to His perfect and holy standard). Un-believers' idea of "love and peace" is really more like, "lust, and leave me alone."
But Paul's statement above *does* apply to the redeemed church. The True God of "love and peace" *is* with us; and we particularly *experience* these blessed attributes of His (love and peace), as we are maturing in Jesus, being united in Him, and being secured (as the Body of Christ).
[Puritan quote of the day: "If temptations arise from natural causes, then nat-ural means, as medicines, are to be used and applied, and people would do well to be persuaded thereunto.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]
" . . . And the God of love and peace will be with you."
Even the world relishes the idea of a God of "love and peace." Their "love and peace" god, however, is not the Lord of heaven and earth, who saves sinners and judges all men (according to His perfect and holy standard). Un-believers' idea of "love and peace" is really more like, "lust, and leave me alone."
But Paul's statement above *does* apply to the redeemed church. The True God of "love and peace" *is* with us; and we particularly *experience* these blessed attributes of His (love and peace), as we are maturing in Jesus, being united in Him, and being secured (as the Body of Christ).
[Puritan quote of the day: "If temptations arise from natural causes, then nat-ural means, as medicines, are to be used and applied, and people would do well to be persuaded thereunto.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]
Monday, September 23, 2019
Mon., 9/23/19 Devotion (2 Cor. 12:8-9a)
Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 12:8 & 9a, where Paul wrote these words:
"Concerning this [thorn in the flesh] I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' "
The very thing we typically believe hinders our service and love for God—is often the very thing that most powerfully forwards it. Paul passionately loath-ed his thorn in his flesh, whatever it was—and yet it had the effect of "deflat-ing" him, so that he thought little of himself, and much of Christ.
It is a very difficult thing to do, but we also may think in this counter-cultural and counter-intuitive way, as we actually thank God for the hardest trials we face. Even if they *never* go away in this life, they can have the savory influ-ence of causing us to love Jesus even more.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ does not bid us (says Augustine) learn of Him to work miracles, to open the eyes of the blind, to raise the dead, but He would have us learn of Him to be meek.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Beat-itudes"]
"Concerning this [thorn in the flesh] I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' "
The very thing we typically believe hinders our service and love for God—is often the very thing that most powerfully forwards it. Paul passionately loath-ed his thorn in his flesh, whatever it was—and yet it had the effect of "deflat-ing" him, so that he thought little of himself, and much of Christ.
It is a very difficult thing to do, but we also may think in this counter-cultural and counter-intuitive way, as we actually thank God for the hardest trials we face. Even if they *never* go away in this life, they can have the savory influ-ence of causing us to love Jesus even more.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ does not bid us (says Augustine) learn of Him to work miracles, to open the eyes of the blind, to raise the dead, but He would have us learn of Him to be meek.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Beat-itudes"]
Friday, September 20, 2019
Fri.-Sabbath, 9/20-22/19 Devotion
In order to help God's people prepare for their highest and holiest privilege in this world: that being Lord's Day observance of worship and rest, consider these excellent words of the great Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs, from the outstanding book, entitled, "Gospel Remission":
"Though we ministers of Christ preach against the vanities and profits of this word, this is neither the main thing nor the right method of preaching to work upon the hearts of people, nor the great end of Christ's ascension. He did not give gifts principally for these things, but that men should be able to reveal the great doctrine of pardon of sin. Ministers need not seek to get esteem and love, and to make themselves honorable among the people. If they did but apply themselves to preach this great doctrine God has set them about—that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their sin—they cannot but gain honor in the hearts of those to whom God has appoint-ed this mercy."
"Though we ministers of Christ preach against the vanities and profits of this word, this is neither the main thing nor the right method of preaching to work upon the hearts of people, nor the great end of Christ's ascension. He did not give gifts principally for these things, but that men should be able to reveal the great doctrine of pardon of sin. Ministers need not seek to get esteem and love, and to make themselves honorable among the people. If they did but apply themselves to preach this great doctrine God has set them about—that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their sin—they cannot but gain honor in the hearts of those to whom God has appoint-ed this mercy."
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Thurs., 9/19/19 Devotion (2 Sam. 15:25-26)
Today's encouragement comes from David's words, as they are found in 2 Samuel 15:25 & 26:
"Then the king [David] said to Zadok, 'Carry the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the LORD, He will bring me back and show me both it and His dwelling place.’ "
David's attitude is a good one. He was suffering the consequences of his (forgiven) sin, as Absalom was in the process of usurping his throne. David had enough faith to believe that the ark should remain in Jerusalem, even though he (David) had to leave that city. He had enough humility to accept from the Lord whatever He would decree: either exile and death, or rein-statement and life.
Let us also have this perspective on life: not holding on too tightly to any of God's blessings; while clinging with all our hearts to the Lord Jesus Himself.
[Puritan quote of the day: "When Christians are more inquiring after privileges than inquiring after their duty, it is just with God to keep their comfort from them.” —Christopher Love, in, "The Dejected Soul's Cure"]
"Then the king [David] said to Zadok, 'Carry the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the LORD, He will bring me back and show me both it and His dwelling place.’ "
David's attitude is a good one. He was suffering the consequences of his (forgiven) sin, as Absalom was in the process of usurping his throne. David had enough faith to believe that the ark should remain in Jerusalem, even though he (David) had to leave that city. He had enough humility to accept from the Lord whatever He would decree: either exile and death, or rein-statement and life.
Let us also have this perspective on life: not holding on too tightly to any of God's blessings; while clinging with all our hearts to the Lord Jesus Himself.
[Puritan quote of the day: "When Christians are more inquiring after privileges than inquiring after their duty, it is just with God to keep their comfort from them.” —Christopher Love, in, "The Dejected Soul's Cure"]
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wed., 9/18/19 Devotion (2 Cor. 7:4c, 5c)
Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 7:4c & 5c, where we read these words:
" . . . I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation. . . . Outside were conflicts, inside were fears."
These (above) are rather amazing words. We behold that even the great Apostle Paul, the stalwart of faith and strength, was "fearful" at times. But even more than this, we marvel that he could find a way (in Christ) to be "joy-ful" in "tribulation."
All of us true believers are capable of enduring a whole lot more than we could ever imagine that we could. There is valor within us that will never come to the fore unless it is put through the fire (of afflictions). Still, none of us look forward to these conflicts.The only thing we like is the Christlike char-acter that develops in us (which brings us much peace, stability, and happi-ness).
[Puritan quote of the day: "People [become] distracted from coming to God by their own self-imposed spiritual disciplines.” —John Owen, in, "Sin and Temp-tation"]
" . . . I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation. . . . Outside were conflicts, inside were fears."
These (above) are rather amazing words. We behold that even the great Apostle Paul, the stalwart of faith and strength, was "fearful" at times. But even more than this, we marvel that he could find a way (in Christ) to be "joy-ful" in "tribulation."
All of us true believers are capable of enduring a whole lot more than we could ever imagine that we could. There is valor within us that will never come to the fore unless it is put through the fire (of afflictions). Still, none of us look forward to these conflicts.The only thing we like is the Christlike char-acter that develops in us (which brings us much peace, stability, and happi-ness).
[Puritan quote of the day: "People [become] distracted from coming to God by their own self-imposed spiritual disciplines.” —John Owen, in, "Sin and Temp-tation"]
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Tues., 9/17/19 Devotion (Ps. 66:12b, c)
Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 66:12b & c, where we read these words:
" . . . We went through fire and through water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment."
If we are sincere believing churchmen, saved by grace through faith in Christ (alone), then this much is certain: we will go through some very difficult times in this life. But this much is also a sure thing: we will be brought through them, to even higher levels of faith, character-development, joy, and fulfillment.
But no one receives the blessing of Jesus without first traversing some dark valleys. Therefore, let us understand now, in advance, that God is good; and that Christ is worth possessing no matter what. Then, as we face hard cir-cumstances we will be confident in our Redeemer—knowing that He is our all in all.
[Puritan quote of the day: "If the thing we desire is good for us, we shall have it. If it is not good, then not having it is good for us. Resting satisfied with this promise gives contentment.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Con-tentment"]
" . . . We went through fire and through water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment."
If we are sincere believing churchmen, saved by grace through faith in Christ (alone), then this much is certain: we will go through some very difficult times in this life. But this much is also a sure thing: we will be brought through them, to even higher levels of faith, character-development, joy, and fulfillment.
But no one receives the blessing of Jesus without first traversing some dark valleys. Therefore, let us understand now, in advance, that God is good; and that Christ is worth possessing no matter what. Then, as we face hard cir-cumstances we will be confident in our Redeemer—knowing that He is our all in all.
[Puritan quote of the day: "If the thing we desire is good for us, we shall have it. If it is not good, then not having it is good for us. Resting satisfied with this promise gives contentment.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Con-tentment"]
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mon., 9/16/19 Devotion (Ps. 64:6b)
Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 64:6b, where David wrote this:
"Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep."
What are our deepest, darkest thoughts and secrets—those things that only God (and we) know about? If we are in Christ by faith, we need not in anyway be undone by them, and/or discouraged by them. It is our faith in Jesus, and not our fears and foibles, that governs our our Spirit-led behavior, and estab-lishes our self-knowledge (as new creatures in Christ).
The devil seeks to turn our deep, dark thoughts into paralyzing spiritual straightjackets. God encourages us with words like these, "Your faith is your victory," (cf. 1 Jn. 5:4).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Do not mistake . . . things for evidences of the cer-tain wrath of God which, perhaps, are not really so.” —Timothy Rogers, in "The Trouble of Mind and the Disease of Melancholy"]
"Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep."
What are our deepest, darkest thoughts and secrets—those things that only God (and we) know about? If we are in Christ by faith, we need not in anyway be undone by them, and/or discouraged by them. It is our faith in Jesus, and not our fears and foibles, that governs our our Spirit-led behavior, and estab-lishes our self-knowledge (as new creatures in Christ).
The devil seeks to turn our deep, dark thoughts into paralyzing spiritual straightjackets. God encourages us with words like these, "Your faith is your victory," (cf. 1 Jn. 5:4).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Do not mistake . . . things for evidences of the cer-tain wrath of God which, perhaps, are not really so.” —Timothy Rogers, in "The Trouble of Mind and the Disease of Melancholy"]
Friday, September 13, 2019
Fri.-Sabbath, 9/13-15/19 Devotion
Wahoo—Sunday is *almost* here! We GET to go to church! In order to help get us ready, here is Thomas Watson, from his "A Body of Divinity" book:
"Adore the infinite wisdom and goodness of God that found out a way to just-ify us by 'rich grace and precious blood.' We were all involved in guilt; none of us could plead,'not guilty'; and being guilty, we lay under a sentence of death. Now that the Judge Himself should find out a way to justify us, and the credit-or Himself contrive a way to have the debt paid, and not distress the debtor, [it] should fill us with wonder and love.
"The angels admire the mystery of free grace in this new way of justifying and saving lost man, (1 Pet. 1:12); and should not we, who are nearly concerned in it, and on whom the benefit is devolved, cry out with the apostle, 'O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!'?"
"Adore the infinite wisdom and goodness of God that found out a way to just-ify us by 'rich grace and precious blood.' We were all involved in guilt; none of us could plead,'not guilty'; and being guilty, we lay under a sentence of death. Now that the Judge Himself should find out a way to justify us, and the credit-or Himself contrive a way to have the debt paid, and not distress the debtor, [it] should fill us with wonder and love.
"The angels admire the mystery of free grace in this new way of justifying and saving lost man, (1 Pet. 1:12); and should not we, who are nearly concerned in it, and on whom the benefit is devolved, cry out with the apostle, 'O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!'?"
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Thurs., 9/12/19 Devotion (Ps. 56:3)
Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 56:3, where David wrote these words:
"Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You."
David was honest enough to admit that at some times he was "afraid." His re-solve here, by grace, was to turn his fear into an opportunity to exercise his faith in Christ. This is a very wise thing to do. Is there anything we can do, to prevent fearful events from coming into our lives? No. But we can make the best of them, by trusting God, through them.
After all, it is relatively "easy" to get on with life, when everything is going smoothly. The challenge is when things do not accord with what we conceive of as our "comfort zone." *That* is the time for us to demonstrate our genuine faith in Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "What Satan did in tempting man to fall is made an occasion of the contrary to what he intended in that it gave occasion for God to glorify Himself all the more, and gives occasion for the elect being brought to higher happiness.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Wisdom of God"]
"Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You."
David was honest enough to admit that at some times he was "afraid." His re-solve here, by grace, was to turn his fear into an opportunity to exercise his faith in Christ. This is a very wise thing to do. Is there anything we can do, to prevent fearful events from coming into our lives? No. But we can make the best of them, by trusting God, through them.
After all, it is relatively "easy" to get on with life, when everything is going smoothly. The challenge is when things do not accord with what we conceive of as our "comfort zone." *That* is the time for us to demonstrate our genuine faith in Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "What Satan did in tempting man to fall is made an occasion of the contrary to what he intended in that it gave occasion for God to glorify Himself all the more, and gives occasion for the elect being brought to higher happiness.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Wisdom of God"]
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Wed., 9/11/19 Devotion (1 Cor. 16:2)
Today's encouragement comes from 1 Corinthians 16:2, which says this:
"On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come."
Sunday is not only the New Covenant Sabbath Day of worship and rest—it is also the day when we offer ourselves and all our resources to God (during the worship service). More good is done by the "widow's mite" placed in the faith-ful church's offering plate on the Lord's Day, than is done by billions of dollars being given away by unbelievers throughout the rest of the week.
It is a privilege to give to Christ's church. God does not need anything from us; but He honors us by giving us the opportunity to "co-labor" with Him in the furtherance of the gospel of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Take heed that you do not rest in external purity, but seek purity of heart in the ways of God's appointment. Seek it in a con-stant and diligent attendance on all God's ordinances [means of Grace].”
—Jonathan Edwards, in "Altogether Lovely"]
"On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come."
Sunday is not only the New Covenant Sabbath Day of worship and rest—it is also the day when we offer ourselves and all our resources to God (during the worship service). More good is done by the "widow's mite" placed in the faith-ful church's offering plate on the Lord's Day, than is done by billions of dollars being given away by unbelievers throughout the rest of the week.
It is a privilege to give to Christ's church. God does not need anything from us; but He honors us by giving us the opportunity to "co-labor" with Him in the furtherance of the gospel of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Take heed that you do not rest in external purity, but seek purity of heart in the ways of God's appointment. Seek it in a con-stant and diligent attendance on all God's ordinances [means of Grace].”
—Jonathan Edwards, in "Altogether Lovely"]
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Tues., 9/10/19 Devotion (1 Cor. 15:1-2a)
Today's encouragement comes from 1 Corinthians 15:1 & 2a, where we read these words:
"Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are sav-
ed . . . "
The reiteration (or repeating) of the gospel message is very important. Paul does that here, with the Corinthian church. He had already "preached" it to them; now he once again "declares" it to them. The Corinthian believers had both forgotten the gospel message; and it had been misrepresented to them (by the false apostles).
And so it is with us, the church today. We also need to hear, over and over, from Lord's Day to Lord's Day, the glorious good news: that Jesus lives; and that we live in and through Him—by grace through faith (in Him). Regenerate Christians never tire of hearing of the grace of God in Jesus Christ. His gos-pel is new and fresh to us everyday.
[Puritan quote of the day: "When a man is humbled, truly humbled, the object of his grief or sorrow or trouble is sin itself, as a dishonor done unto God.”
—William Bridge, in "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]
"Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are sav-
ed . . . "
The reiteration (or repeating) of the gospel message is very important. Paul does that here, with the Corinthian church. He had already "preached" it to them; now he once again "declares" it to them. The Corinthian believers had both forgotten the gospel message; and it had been misrepresented to them (by the false apostles).
And so it is with us, the church today. We also need to hear, over and over, from Lord's Day to Lord's Day, the glorious good news: that Jesus lives; and that we live in and through Him—by grace through faith (in Him). Regenerate Christians never tire of hearing of the grace of God in Jesus Christ. His gos-pel is new and fresh to us everyday.
[Puritan quote of the day: "When a man is humbled, truly humbled, the object of his grief or sorrow or trouble is sin itself, as a dishonor done unto God.”
—William Bridge, in "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]
Monday, September 9, 2019
Mon., 9/9/19 Devotion (1 Cor. 14:40)
Today's encouragement comes from 1 Corinthians 14:40, where we read these words:
"Let all things be done decently and in order."
Paul ends the 14th chapter of 1 Corinthians with these words (above). Earlier, he had given specific instructions about Sunday church worship in the con-gregation (in Corinth). Though much of that detail is now abrogated, in that God's full written revelation is completed—all of it was to be done, "decently and in order."
The Lord is in no way a "kill-joy"; and His insistence on dignity and decorum in His worship is not designed to dishearten us. Instead, the exact opposite is true. God provides structure and order, so that in the church—particularly in Sunday worship—we have a practical "anchor," since we have to deal with a disordered and sinful world (the rest of the week).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Flesh and blood may have its fears and disquiets, but grace checks them.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Content-ment"]
"Let all things be done decently and in order."
Paul ends the 14th chapter of 1 Corinthians with these words (above). Earlier, he had given specific instructions about Sunday church worship in the con-gregation (in Corinth). Though much of that detail is now abrogated, in that God's full written revelation is completed—all of it was to be done, "decently and in order."
The Lord is in no way a "kill-joy"; and His insistence on dignity and decorum in His worship is not designed to dishearten us. Instead, the exact opposite is true. God provides structure and order, so that in the church—particularly in Sunday worship—we have a practical "anchor," since we have to deal with a disordered and sinful world (the rest of the week).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Flesh and blood may have its fears and disquiets, but grace checks them.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Content-ment"]
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