Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thurs., 9/30/21 Devotion (Gal. 6:10)

Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 6:10, where we read these words:

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."

Christians are to do good to all people; but first and foremost to their fellow-churchmen. In the Bible, the term “poor” mostly applies to people in the church who wholeheartedly love God in Jesus Christ. Because of this, these saints find themselves constantly in the cross-hairs of hypocrites, the world, and Satan. Therefore, their needs must first be addressed. After this is done, we are free to “do good” to everyone and anyone else.

As we follow this God-ordained pattern, we will find our resources of time, talent, and treasure used in ways that please Christ, and forward His kingdom (of His church).

[Puritan quote of the day: "When men are godly, their natural abilities are not debased by their godliness, but raised.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Ex-cellency of a Gracious Spirit"]

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wed., 9/29/21 Devotion (Gal. 5:1)

Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 5:1, where we read these great words:

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."

Every day when we wake up we are faced with an array of forces that are dead-set on robbing us of our joy and freedom in Christ. First among them is our own flesh, which continues to desire to have a right standing with God in-dependently of Jesus' blood atonement. In league with this, is the world of works-religion, which preaches law to us, and insists that we be enslaved by rules (just like they are).

It takes courage, determination, and intentionality *not* to be swept away with the rest of the world, which is in bondage to its own "righteousness." Let all faith-redeemed churchmen trust, not in themselves, but in Jesus only. Let us reaffirm our liberty in Christ today, by faith.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The devil is the most sullen spirit there is, and yet the most proud.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit"]

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tues., 9/28/21 Devotion (2 Sam. 24:14)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Samuel 24:14, where we read these words:

"And David said to Gad [the prophet], 'I am in great distress. Please let us fall into the hand of the LORD, for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall in-to the hand of man.' "

When faced with the options of dealing directly with God, or with fallen man-kind, David chose God. Why? Because he knew the Lord to be gracious and merciful. Also, he knew that man can be cruel and brutal. What an enlighten-ed perspective. Today, most Christ-hating sinners imagine themselves to be good, fair, and even-handed; while they think God is mean and unreasonable.

Actually, the exact opposite is the case. The Lord is good; He is slow to an-ger, and abounding in lovingkindness. Non-regenerate self-righteous sinners, on the other hand, are vicious and bestial—despite all their claims to “justice." Let us today—just like David did—cast ourselves entirely on *God's* mercy; trusting in Jesus, and not in man.

[Puritan quote of the day: "That sin is worse than affliction is evident because the greatest judgment God lays upon a man in this life is to let him sin without hindrance.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Doctrine of Repentance"]

Monday, September 27, 2021

Mon., 9/27/21 Devotion (Gal. 3:7)

Today's encouragement comes from Galatians 3:7, where the Apostle Paul wrote these words:

"Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham."

Do we understand the Biblical teaching that neither the unbelieving Jews, nor the Muslims (nor any any other unbelievers for that matter) are the *true* chil-dren of Abraham? Having said that, many of both Jewish and Arab descent *are* children of Abraham—but this has nothing to do with their race, lineage, nationality, or ethnicity. Instead, it has everything to do with their saving faith in Jesus.

Do we have sincere faith in the Messiah? If so, then we also are authentic sons and daughters of Abraham. Let us believe God through the Lord Jesus Christ, just like our father Abraham did.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Hypocrites are not practitioners; they are all head and no feet; they do not walk in Christ (Col. 2:6). Their knowledge is inform-ing, but not transforming . . . “ —Thomas Watson, in his sermon entitled, "Christ's Loveliness"]

Friday, September 24, 2021

Fri.-Sabbath, 9/24-26/21 Devotion

Thank God—Sunday is almost upon us! Here is Thomas Watson, from "All Things for Good”—to help us get ready for the church's Sabbath worship. . . .

"The Word is the instrumental cause of our conversion, the Spirit is the effici-ent cause. The ministers of God are only the pipes and organs; it is the Spirit speaking in them, that effectually changes the heart. 'While Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the word,' (Acts 10:44).

"It is not the farmer's hard work in plowing and sowing, that will make the ground fruitful, without the early and latter rains. So it is not the seed of the Word that will effectually convert, unless the Spirit puts forth His sweet influ-ence, and drops as rain upon the heart. Therefore the aid of God's Spirit is to be implored, that He would put forth His powerful voice, and awaken us out of the grave of unbelief."

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thurs., 9/23/21 Devotion (2 Cor. 12:8)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 12:8, where we read these words:

"Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me."

Paul is referring (above) to his famous (and never-fully-defined) "thorn in the flesh." All regenerate churchmen have a "thorn in the flesh." Think with me about our most difficult and persistent struggle—the situation that we have to face everyday, and which we wish would just "go away." This is our "thorn in the flesh." Is it wrong for us to desire to be released from this hardship? No. Paul prayed three times that it might "depart from" him.

But a Sovereign God gives us these "thorns" for our good. If we could see things as the Lord does, we would actually *thank* Him that we have these problems. By faith, we may do that anyway—recognizing with Paul that God's grace is "sufficient" for us, in Christ, (cf. v. 9).

[Puritan quote of the day: "The object of divine love is God. God is good, and good is amiable. God is all good; and there is none good but One, and that is God.” —Richard Alleine, in, "Heaven Opened"]

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wed., 9/22/21 Devotion (2 Sam. 18:9b)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Samuel 18:9b, where we read these words:

" . . . so he [Absalom] was left hanging between heaven and earth."

When our Lord Jesus Christ was on the cross, bearing the sins of all the elect from all time, He hung, as it were, "between heaven and earth." He bridged the infinite gap between a holy God and sinful men. The regenerate church-man, who struggles through the process of sanctification, also, in a sense, is suspended "between heaven and earth.” Our old flesh nature (earth/old self), is at war with our new nature (heaven/Christ).

Where are the eyes of our hearts focused, today? If they are on earth (i.e. not on Christ), we will naturally gravitate downward. If they are in heaven (i.e. on Christ), we will, by grace, soar upwards (in our souls).

[Puritan quote of the day: "In His last sufferings, Christ sapped the very foun-dations of Satan's kingdom. He conquered His enemies in their own territo-ries, and beat them with their own weapons, as David cut off Goliath's head with his own sword.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Excellency of Christ"]

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tues., 9/21/21 Devotion (Ps. 72:17)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 72:17, where we read these words:

"His [Christ's] name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; all nations shall call Him blessed."

Sometimes, when we see pictures of international terrorists, we might notice in the background maps of the world. This should remind us that the devil hopes to take over the entire globe, employing these, his minions. But this will never happen. Verses such as Ps. 72:17 (above) assure us that Jesus Christ and His church—and no one or nothing else—is prevailing, and always will prevail.

. . . Let us bless God for this precious truth; and then let us love Him more (than ever before). Our victorious and triumphant regenerative faith in Jesus will manifest itself in the church's worship, love, service, and evangelism.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The church of Christ, notwithstanding her imper-fections, is in a safer state than Adam was in innocence.” —Nathaniel Vin-cent, in, "A Discourse Concerning Love"]

Monday, September 20, 2021

Mon., 9/20/21 Devotion (Ps. 71:14)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 71:14, which says this:

"But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more."

The psalmist here, likely David, had just been enunciating to God in prayer the trials and woes he had been experiencing, at the hands of wicked men. But his response to this trouble is not retreat or despair—instead he "ratches-up" his hope and praise. This is a good model of how we are to handle our difficulties. Does Satan throw some garbage our way? Let us redouble our commitment to Christ.

Instead of collapsing under our burdens, we may grow stronger from bearing them; and then, leave them at Jesus' feet.

[Puritan quote of the day: "And so to come into God's presence is the great-est joy for a godly man in this life, to come into God's presence in His ordin-ances [preaching/sacraments/prayer] in His Church.” —Christopher Love, in, "The Dejected Soul's Cure"]

Friday, September 17, 2021

Fri.-Sabbath, 9/17-19/21 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is *almost* here! We GET to go to church! Here is an amazing quote from Martin Luther, in his remarkable book, entitled, "Com-mentary on Galatians," (an all-time favorite book of mine)! . . .

"To be brief, all the enemies which did before torment and oppress me, Christ Jesus has brought to nothing. He has spoiled them, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them by His cross (Col. 2:15)—in such sort that they can now rule and reign no more over me, but are constrained to obey me.

"By this we may plainly see that there is nothing here for us to do; it is only incumbent upon us to hear that these things have been accomplished and done in this way, and by faith to apprehend the same. Now when I have thus apprehended Christ by faith, and through Him am dead to the law, then I do good works, I love God, I give thanks to Him, I exercise love towards my neighbors. But this love or works following, do neither form nor adorn my faith, but my faith forms and adorns love. This is our divinity [doctrine], which seems strange and marvelous, or rather, foolish to carnal reason: namely, that I am not only blind and deaf to the law, yea, delivered and freed from the law, but also wholly dead unto the same."

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thurs., 9/16/21 Devotion (2 Cor. 5:17)

Today's encouragement comes from the familiar and lovely words of 2 Corin-thians 5:17, which say this:

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have pass-ed away; behold, all things have become new."

Newness is a good thing. For the believing churchman, all past sins are for-given—covered by the blood of Jesus; and the present and the future is brighter (than the past). All people outside of Jesus also want "newness," and they seek it all the time. But they remain ensconced in their old ways and "an-cient” sins. Regenerate Christians (alone) have true and new life—all in Christ.

We Christians may have to suffer more than most people; but we also have a surpassing glory that more than compensates for it: and that is our blessed life in our Lord Jesus. Let us love Him today; and enjoy Him.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Happiness and rest are what all men pursue. But the things of the world, wherein most men seek it, can never provide it. They are laboring and spending themselves in vain.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon entitled, "The Peace which Christ Gives . . . "]

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wed., 9/15/21 Devotion (2 Cor. 4:1)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 4:1, where we read these words:

"Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart."

This chapter (of 2 Cor. 4), is amazing. Any believer who has been through really hard times can gain great comfort and strength from it. Here, in v. 1, Paul edifies himself with the reminder of what God had done in him (in the past)—with an encouraging assurance of what He will continue to do through him (in the future).

If we have "received mercy" from God, in the blood atonement of Jesus--by grace through faith alone, plus nothing—THEN, but only then, do we have no reason to "lose heart." If the Lord has been *that* good to us, then why should we imagine that He will come up short on any other need or issue that we will face, (cf. Rom. 8:32)? Let us wholeheartedly trust Christ today.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is not so much the sins we have committed that so provoke and grieve Christ as that we refuse the medicine of repentance which He prescribes.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Doctrine of Repentance"]

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tues., 9/14/21 Devotion (2 Cor. 3:5, 6a)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Corinthians 3:5 & 6a, where Paul wrote these words:

"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from our-selves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as mini-sters of the new covenant . . . "

What has God given us to do, in this life? Are we content with this assign-ment? Is it a bit "less glamorous" than we would have desired? The sufficient Lord supplies His church saints with all the resources we need, in order to ful-fill our God-given roles on earth. The church's ministry—in which all faithful Christians participate—cannot be done in the flesh. It is totally dependent up-on the grace of Christ.

Let us not be discouraged, if we are faithful (by grace) in our ministerial spheres. Let us thank God that He has equipped us, and honored us with His seal of love.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The Son is the fullness of God, and the church is the fullness of the Son of God.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Glory of God"]

Monday, September 13, 2021

Mon., 9/13/21 Devotion (2 Sam. 8:6b, 14b)

Today's encouragement comes from a collation of 2 Samuel 8, vv. 6b & 14b, where we read this refrain:

"The LORD preserved David wherever he went. . . . And the LORD preserved David wherever he went."

The Holy Spirit is certainly making a point here. David, the man subject to lots of dangers in his spiritual and military exploits; and one who was often the tar-get of many scheming enemies—is *preserved* by the God who loved him. So it is with every faithful Christian churchman: the path we traverse may be tough, the cross we bear is death to the old life—but, through it all, our God is good to us; and He is tender, loving, gentle, and sweet toward us.

Let redeemed souls never lose heart. We belong to Christ. Our victory is sure; and our safety is sealed by God Himself.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Our victory will be further realized as the new man immediately springs to action, and cheerfully fights against lust the moment it appears.” —John Owen, in, "The Mortification of Sin"]

Friday, September 10, 2021

Fri.-Sabbath, 9/10-12/21 Devotion

Praise God—it is almost Sunday. We *get* to go back to church. Richard Sib-bes’ very insightful words are helpful to us, as they come from his excellent book, entitled, "The Bruised Reed." . . .

“Regarding Christ's Public Triumph . . .

"It is not only said that judgment shall be victorious, but that Christ will bring it forth openly to victory. From this we observe that grace will become glory, and come forth into the sight of all. Now Christ conquers, and achieves His own ends, but He does so to some extent invisibly. His enemies in us and outside us seem to prevail. But He will bring forth judgment unto victory, in full view of all. The wicked that now shut their eyes to this shall see it to their torment. It shall not be in the power of subtle men to see or not see what they wish. Christ will have power over their hearts; and as His wrath shall immediately seize upon their souls against their wills, so will He have power over the eyes of their souls, that they may see and know what will increase their misery. Grief shall be fastened to all their senses, and their senses to grief.

"Then all the false glosses [opinions] which they put upon things shall be wip-ed off. Men are desirous to have the reputation of good, and yet the sweet-ness of ill; nothing is so cordially opposed by them as that truth which lays them open to themselves and to the eyes of others—their chief care being how to deceive the world and their own consciences. But the time will come when they shall be driven out of this fools' paradise, and the more subtle their manipulation of things has been, the more shall be their shame."

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thurs., 9/9/21 Devotion (2 Sam. 3:39a)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Samuel 3:39a, where we find these words:

"And I am weak today, though anointed king . . . "

The words (above) were spoken by King David, as he was mourning the death of Abner, a man he had respected. The point we should note is this: it is certainly possible for God's dear and beloved churchmen, who are His roy-alty on earth, to sometimes feel very weak and (even discouraged).

The experiences of our lives down here are not uniform. Sometimes they are "positive"; sometimes they are "negative." But this one thing *is* constant: if we are in Christ and His church, and are trusting Jesus alone for our eternal salvation and the forgiveness of our sins, then we are *always* God's princes and princesses—whether we feel strong, or weak.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Our happiness here and hereafter depends on our friendly communication with heaven. If we do not have that, nothing can make up our loss (Ps. 30:5). If we have that, nothing can make us miserable.”
—Thomas Boston, in, "The Crook In the Lot"]

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wed., 9/8/21 Devotion (1 Cor. 13:13)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Corinthians 13:13, which says this:

"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

Love is greater than faith and hope, because love, like Christ, salvation, and the church lasts forever. As great as faith is—and it is *very* great because it is the grace by which we apprehend Christ and His righteousness—nonethe-less, in glory (heaven) it will not be necessary. The same can be said about hope, (which is also a marvelous mercy of God to us).

. . . But love is special, because it will be perfected (and continued forever) in heaven; and it is to be our creed here on earth. True faith and true hope al-ways lead to inevitable (and invincible) love. Let us live in Christ's love today, and in so doing, bring Him lots of glory.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is a sinful modesty in Christians that they are not more free with their ministers and other spiritual friends in unburdening them-selves and opening the sores and troubles of their souls to them.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Doctrine of Repentance"]