"Question 1: Do all have the same degree of sorrow?
"Answer: No, sorrow does 'recipere magis & minus' (produce greater or lesser [sorrows]). In the new birth all have pangs, but some have sharper pangs than others.
"(1) Some are naturally of a more rugged disposition, of higher spirits, and are not easily brought to stoop. These must have greater humili-
ation, as a knotty piece of timber must have greater wedges driven into it.
"(2) Some have been more heinous offenders, and their sorrow must be suitable to their sin. Some patients have their sores let out with a needle, others with a lance. Flagitious sinners must be more bruised with the hammer of the law.
"(3) Some are designed and cut out for higher service, to be eminently instrumental for God, and these must have a mightier work of humil-
iation pass upon them. Those whom God intends to be pillars in His church must be more hewn. Paul, the prince of the apostles, who was to be God's ensign-bearer to carry His name before the Gentiles and kings, was to have his heart more deeply lanced by repentance."