"I loathe my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone, for my days are but a breath."
These words (above) are those of a despondent suffering Job, to God. Job is down, depressed, hurt, hopeless, and miserable. His soul's suf-
ferings are worse than his physical pain, and the loss of his family and fortune. As far as Job was concerned, he was ready to "check out."
Is Job's situation unknown to the true church saint today, who is saved by grace, in God's mercies, and a genuine child of the King? No. In fact, it is almost a certainty that at some time in the life of faith on earth, every one of God's trophies of grace will experience what Job did: utter soul-despondency. How do we escape it? In God's time; as we continue to put our faith in Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Have you not thought sometimes, at [hear-
ing] a sermon, the minister has spoken to none but you, and that some or other has told the minister what you have said, what you have done, what you have thought?" --Thomas Shepard, in, "The Sin-
cere Convert"]