Wahoo--Sunday is *almost* here. We get to go to church! In order to help get us ready, here is Thomas Watson, from his "The Ten Com-mandments" book:
"Meditating on a Lord's Day morning on Christ's love, would kindle love in our hearts to Him. How can we look on His bleeding and dying for us and our hearts not be warmed with love to Him? Love is the soul of re-ligion, the purest affection. It is not rivers of oil, but sparks of love that Christ values. And sure, as David said, 'While I was musing the fire burned,' (Ps. 39:3); so, while we are musing of Christ's love in redeem-ing us, the fire of our love will burn towards Him. Then the Christian is in a blessed Sabbath-frame, when, like a seraphim, he is burning in love to Christ."