Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tues., 4/15/14 Devotion (1 Tim. 4:4-5)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Timothy 4:4 & 5, where we read these words:

"For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is receiv-ed with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."

For those Christians who believe in Jesus’ blood atonement of their souls, no-thing God made can be bad. For those outside of Christ, everything God made might be construed to be bad. The Lord would have His church enjoy everything He has created, so long as we do not make idols of them.

Hyper-religion, and human religion seeks to "out-God" God, by commanding things of people that the Lord Himself does not prohibit. Let us be concerned to live in grace, and to obey God's real commandments; without being dis-turbed by the hypocrisy of false religion.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Love knows that the least evils are contrary to the greatest good." --Thomas Brooks, in, "Heaven on Earth"]