Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 16:6, where we read these words:
"The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inherit-ance."
Why is the regenerate Christian churchman *so* blessed, in *this* world. For a lot of reasons—not the least of which is that his or her sins are forgiven, and this leads to a quieted conscience. The redeemed soul is the only one that can, with integrity, get a good night's sleep.
Being given Jesus is quite enough—since He is infinitely greater than all cre-ated things put together. But, when we get Christ, we are also given His gos-pel, His church, His ordinances, and His means of grace. What more could we want? If we are in Christ today, let us offer a heartfelt prayer of thanks-giving to God—even if we are facing very difficult times right now.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Insofar as we are now praising God and glorifying Him for His mercy and love in Christ, we are in heaven before our time.”
—Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]