Friday, July 5, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 7/5-7/24 Devotion

Praise God—it is almost Sunday! Here are some great words from Jonathan Edwards, as they are found in his, “The Religious Affections” book. . . .

“But on the other hand, they who are thoroughly convinced of the certain truth of those [gospel] things must needs be governed by them in their practice; for the things revealed in the Word of God are so great, and so infinitely more im-portant than all other things, that it is inconsistent with human nature, that a man should fully believe the truth of them, and not be influenced by them above all things in his practice.

“ . . . As long as corrupt nature is not mortified, but the principle left whole in a man, it is a vain thing to expect that it should not govern. But if the old nature be indeed mortified, and a new and heavenly nature infused, then may it well be expected that men will walk in newness of life, and continue to do so to the end of their days."