Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thurs., 10/10/24 Devotion (Col. 1:16a)

Today's encouragement comes from Colossians 1:16a, where we read these words of Paul:

"For by Him [Christ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible . . . "

God created everything that is—everything that has a real essence; and He did this through His Son, Christ our Lord. There may be discussions (some-times legitimate) about whether this was an instantaneous creation, or not—but the germane fact is that God created everything, and He did it through Christ (The Word). Nothing exists that God did not create. (The Lord did not create sin or any evil—as these privations of good do not have a real es-sence.)

In the beauty of this season, let us thank God for His power and glory in His creation. But let us do this with an eye to something even greater: the re-cre-ation of dead souls, who now make up the regenerated members of the body (church) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The hypocrite takes more care to make a covenant than to keep it, and is more studious to enter into religion than that religion should enter into him.” —Thomas Watson, in his sermon, "God's Anatomy Upon Man's Heart"]