Merry Christmas, everyone!
Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 29:5b, where we read these words:" . . . and carry out the rubbish from the holy place."
What a great command (above), given by King Hezekiah, to the Levites. God would *still* have us, His true and redeemed churchmen, "carry out the rub-bish" from the "holy place." First of all, may all Christ's faithful clergy do all they can, to expunge the church and its worship from all the rubbish that has clogged the sanctuary (as it were). (Let us go back to the gospel.)
And secondarily, let all God's people cleanse their hearts, by grace through faith in Jesus' blood atonement. His blood washes away all our sin. What a good time for us to do so—at this blessed season.
[Puritan quote of the day: "It is the desire of a holy person to be cleansed, not only from public, but also from private and secret sins.” —Obadiah Sedgwick, in, "The Anatomy of Secret Sins"]