Today's encouragement comes from Matthew 6:27, where we find our Savior saying these words:
"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"Worry is the practical opposite of faith. Worry says, "I cannot really trust God to take care of my concerns; therefore I need to take matters into my own hands." Worry is highly God-dishonoring. People that are given to worry "worry" that, if they quit worrying, they are no longer caring for or about the objects of their worry. But this is a misguided approach. Care does not neces-sitate worry. In fact, the greatest expressions of care do not worry at all—in-stead, they trust God with the trouble.
Let us face it: worry is a malady and affliction that befalls all of us sinners. But we need not live in it. If we want *real* solutions to the heart-issues that are so important to us, then we are wise if we trust God to take care of them. Are we sincere Christian believers today, trusting in Jesus alone for our salvation? If so, then worry simply has no place in our lives. (If we are not trusting in Christ, then we really do have plenty to worry about.)
[Puritan quote of the day: "Ground your comfort upon a lasting and un-changeable covenant, on such a covenant that accepts will for works, desires for deeds, and endeavors for performances.” —Christopher Love, in, "The Dejected Soul's Cure"]