Yippee—Sunday is *almost* here! In order to help prepare us for church wor-ship, here are good words from Thomas Watson, from his "All Things for Good" book:
"When God calls a person by His grace, that person cannot but come. You may resist the minister’s call, but you cannot resist the Spirit’s call. The finger of the blessed Spirit can write upon a heart of stone, as once He wrote God's laws upon tables of stone.
"God’s words are creating words. When He said 'Let there be light, there was light'; and when He says, 'Let there be faith,' it shall be so. When God called Paul, Paul answered the call: 'I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,' (Acts 26:19). God rides forth conquering in the chariot of His gospel. He makes the blind eyes see, and the stony heart bleed. If God will call a person, nothing can hinder that person. . . . 'Who has resisted His [God’s] will?,' (Rom. 9:19)."