Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 30:2b, which says this:
" . . . And [Jacob] said, 'Am I in the place of God . . . ?' "
Whenever anyone fails to look to the Lord Jesus Christ for the fullest level of life and satisfaction, the inevitable consequence is the "deification of man." This is a common form of idolatry. The simple fact is that no human being (who is not divine) can fully satisfy us. This would be true, even if this (non-divine) person was without sin.
Jacob could not give Rachel what she wanted (in the Genesis account above). Only God could do that. Let us be careful not to ascribe to anybody what only belongs to Christ alone: namely, the ability to make us supremely happy, content, full, and free.
[AUGUSTINE quote of the day: “You [God] have made us for Yourself; and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” —from “Confessions,” Bk. 1]