Praise God: another Sunday is almost here! In order to prepare us for church worship, here is Thomas Watson, from "All Things for Good":
"If we do not love God, we will love something else, either the world or sin; and are those things worthy of our love? Is it not better to love God than these? It is better to love God than the world, as appears in the following par-ticulars. . . .
"If we set our love on worldly things, they will not satisfy. We may as well sat-isfy our body with air, as our souls with earth. . . . Is it not better to love God? He will give us that which shall satisfy. . . . If we love worldly things, they can-not remove trouble of mind. If there is a thorn in our conscience, all the world cannot pluck it out. . . . But if we love God, He can give us peace when no-thing else can. He can turn the 'Shadow of death into the morning,' (Amos 5:8). He can apply Christ’s blood to refresh our souls. He can whisper His love by The Spirit, and with one smile scatter all our fears and concerns."