Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 17:3a, where we read these great words concerning Abram, who later was named “Abraham.” . . .
"Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him . . . "
The Lord had first come to Abram, (see v. 1)—as God always takes the initia-tive with any of us, (and not the other way around). But, once the Triune Sov-ereign had engaged Abram's attention, Abram fell on his face. After this, God continued the conversation.
So it is with us, Christ's faithful (by grace) churchmen, today. We are appre-hended by God's free grace to us in Jesus Christ; we then humble ourselves; and then God communes with us sweetly and frequently.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Hence learn, that every easy way to heaven is a false way, although ministers should preach it out of their pulpits, and angels should publish it out of heaven.” —Thomas Shepard, in, "The Sincere Con-vert"]