Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tues.-Wed., 12/31/24-1/1/25 Devotion (Rev. 22:17)

Happy New Year!

Today's encouragement comes from Revelation 22:17, where we read these words:

"And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."

In this one little verse, in the very last chapter of the Bible, we have God's sweet formula for evangelism, and living the Christian life (generally). And that is, simply "Coming" to Christ, by grace through faith; and refreshing our-selves in Jesus—drinking deeply of Him.

And note that God's three mighty forces are at work here, inviting us to come to our Savior: the "Spirit," the Church ("Bride"), and the Word (the preached Scripture itself). If we take any one of these blessed provisions away, we not only cannot come to Jesus, we do not possess Him.

[Puritan quote of the day: "When God shines in the use of means, then the soul is, as it were, in heaven.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "The Soul's Conflict with Itself"]

Monday, December 30, 2024

Mon., 12/30/24 Devotion (Mal. 3:16-17)

Today's encouragement comes from Malachi 3:16 & 17, which says this:

"Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him [God] of those who feared the LORD and esteemed his name. 'They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.’ " (ESV)

Behold the blessing on those who fear the Lord. God overhears our fellow-ship, and He is pleased with it. The Lord engraves us in His book of salvation; and He owns us as His own prized and cherished children. In the Bible, God goes to great lengths to convey just how committed He is to making those churchmen who fear Him very, very happy.

May we always be numbered among God's select, sparkling, and rare gems of the earth—adorning His holy church with love for Christ and faith in Him.

[Puritan quote of the day: "A man who is spiritually alive is ever in motion, ever stirring and working upon himself when he is alone, and upon others when he is in company, drawing them still to a good opinion of God's ordin-ances and of His grace.” —Robert Harris, in, "The Way To True Happiness"]

Friday, December 27, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 12/27-29/24 Devotion

Praise God—it is almost Sunday! In order to help get us ready for church, here is Thomas Watson, from his "The Ten Commandments” book. This sec-tion shows us our utter need of Christ and His righteousness (being imputed to our souls, by faith). . . .

"As the unregenerate cannot keep the moral law perfectly, so neither can the regenerate. 'There is not a just man upon earth, that does good and sins not’; nay, that 'sins not in doing good,' (Eccl. 7:20). There is that in the best actions of a righteous man that which is damnable, if God should weigh him in the balance of justice. Alas! how are his duties fly-blown [messed-up]! He cannot pray without wandering, nor believe without doubting. 'To will is present with me, but how to perform I find not.' In the Greek it is, 'How to do it thoroughly I find not,' (Rom. 7:18). Paul, though a saint of the first magnitude, was better at willing than at performing. . . . Aaron was to make atonement for the altar, to show that the most holy offering has defilement in it, and needs atonement to be made for it, (Ex. 29:37)."

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thurs., 12/26/24 Devotion (2 Chron. 31:20-21)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 31:20 & 21, where we read these words:

"Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the LORD his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered."

Hezekiah's reforms, mentioned in this chapter, had been significant. He had the idol worship places torn down, the clergy restored and re-organized, and the worship of the true God re-instituted in Judah. Because of his good exam-ple, the house of God began to thrive again. Hezekiah was given by God a good heart—and the king's actions reflected this, in his zealous devotion.

The result was that Hezekiah "prospered." His troubles and enemies did not go away, as we will see in the very first verse of the next chapter—but the king was safe in God; and his life was abundantly blessed. Let us follow this same pattern, through our unfeigned and unbounded faith in Jesus.

[Puritan quote of the day: "If the church is beautiful beyond all other of the children of men, how beautiful is Jesus Christ, from whom the church derives all its comeliness?” —Thomas Vincent, in, "The True Christian's Love To The Unseen Christ"]

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tues., 12/24/24 Devotion (2 Chron. 29:5b)

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 29:5b, where we read these words:

" . . . and carry out the rubbish from the holy place."

What a great command (above), given by King Hezekiah, to the Levites. God would *still* have us, His true and redeemed churchmen, "carry out the rub-bish" from the "holy place." First of all, may all Christ's faithful clergy do all they can, to expunge the church and its worship from all the rubbish that has clogged the sanctuary (as it were). (Let us go back to the gospel.)

And secondarily, let all God's people cleanse their hearts, by grace through faith in Jesus' blood atonement. His blood washes away all our sin. What a good time for us to do so—at this blessed season.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is the desire of a holy person to be cleansed, not only from public, but also from private and secret sins.” —Obadiah Sedgwick, in, "The Anatomy of Secret Sins"]

Monday, December 23, 2024

Mon., 12/23/24 Devotion (Jn. 13:1b)

Today's encouragement comes from John 13:1b, where we read these words:

" . . . Having loved His own who were in the world, He [Christ] loved them to the end."

This is a beautiful phrase. The Lord Jesus loves His redeemed church which is yet "in the world," viz. down here, where it is tough; and where sin and Sa-tan still assault us. This is because the church is "His own." He possesses us, by virtue of His redemption of our souls. And Christ loves us "to the end." He does not give up on us, just because we stumble around, and fail a lot of times.

Do we not serve a grand and glorious Savior? Even as He was anticipating His Own most grievous suffering (on the cross), our Redeemer was thinking of us, and ministering to us. Let all His church love Christ in sincerity; and may we find our peace only in Him.

[Puritan quote of the day: "And in the dispensing of the gospel, especially in the preaching and unfolding of the Word, the riches of God in Christ are un-folded . . . " —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sat.-Sabbath, 12/21-22/24 Devotion

 Merry Christmas. everyone!

Here is the devotion. . . .

"And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Aug-ustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.

"Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

"Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keep-ing watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood be-fore them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were great-ly afraid. Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.'

"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!'

"So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, 'Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.' And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a man-ger. Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Then the shepherds returned, glorify-ing and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them." (Luke 2:1-20)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thurs., 12/19/24 Devotion (Zech. 6:12b)

Today's encouragement comes from Zechariah 6:12b, where we read these words:

"Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH! From His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the temple of the LORD."

This OT Messianic prophecy was and is perfectly fulfilled in our incarnated and glorified Lord Jesus Christ. The Son of God came from heaven, planted Himself in the fallen earth, and has spread His roots and His “foliage” over all the globe through the extension of His church—which faithfully preaches His gospel of grace.

This same pattern is the one for all of us true Christians to follow: we get grounded (by grace through faith) in Jesus; we become faithful members of His body; and from there we bear fruit of loving deeds, and evangelism of the lost.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Can Christ forget Himself? We are His fullness, as He is ours.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "The Bruised Reed"]

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wed., 12/18/24 Devotion (2 Chron. 21:20a)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 21:20a, where we read these words:

"He [King Jehoram of Judah] was thirty-two years old when he became king. He reigned in Jerusalem eight years and, to no one’s sorrow, departed [di-ed]."

This is one of the most tongue-in-cheek texts in all the Bible. (But it is also very tragic.) Jehoram finally dies, after suffering grievously in his body, be-cause of all his flagrant rebellion against the Lord, and his unrepented-of sins—and nobody is sad about it. Instead, if anything, the people of Judah are relieved.

Many people, when they die, leave a legacy of disgrace and shame. The memory of the Christ-loving sinner-saint, however, always brings joy to the re-generate, and glory to God, (cf. Prov. 10:7).

[Puritan quote of the day: "Never think to be kings when you die, and slaves while you live. The crown of glory is for conquerors, not for captives.”
—Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tues., 12/17/24 Devotion (2 Chron. 20:12b, c)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 20:12b & c, where we read these words:

" . . . For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."

Observe the phrase, "Nor do we know what to do." This is how we often feel, when we are faced with overwhelming forces that are arrayed against us, and that are threatening our peace and security. Jehoshaphat, the godly king of Judah who uttered this prayer (above), actually *did* know that he was to trust the Lord, and rest in Him, etc.—but he did not know how this was to *practically* manifest itself (in such a stressful situation).

So it may be for some of us Christians today. What are we to do, especially when we "do not know what to do"? In v. 17 of this same chapter, the people simply "stood still." In v. 22, they sang praises to God. The result was that the Lord gave them a big victory in Christ. He still does this for His church today!

[Puritan quote of the day: "Sin feeds the sinner with delightful objects and then makes him mortgage his soul.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Doctrine of Repentance"]

Monday, December 16, 2024

Mon., 12/16/24 Devotion (Jn. 6:66-68)

Today's encouragement comes from the wonderful interchange between Christ and His disciples, as it is found in John 6:66-68:

"From that time many of [Christ's] disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' "

This is a very poignant scene in the ministry of the Messiah. After intentionally paring-down the numbers of His "disciples" (among the multitude) by teaching them that they would have to ingest Him into their beings, and that God alone could draw them to Himself, etc.—the Lord Jesus is left with just a few re-maining hardy souls, (one of whom was Judas, who, of course, was not faith-ful).

Peter's confession, representing the true church throughout all ages, is not only brilliantly insightful, but it was also eminently practical: there is nowhere else to go, in this world, but to Jesus—unless one prefers hell.

[Puritan quote of the day: "When the Word comes to any place, the kingdom of heaven is said to come. . . . and Christ rules in it by the preaching of the gospel.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "Gospel Remission"]

Friday, December 13, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 12/13-15/24 Devotion

Thank God—Sunday is almost here. In order to help get us ready for church, here are good words from John Colquhoun, from his, “Christ As The Lord Our Righteousness” sermon. . . .

“The Lord Jesus then, may be called His people’s Righteousness since He actually fulfilled all righteousness for them by yielding to the law as a cove-nant, perfect holiness of nature, perfect obedience of life, and complete satis-faction for sin by death; so that as they have His holiness of nature and right-eousness of life to plead in answer to the law’s demand of perfect obedience as the condition of life, and His death in answer to its demand of satisfaction for sin.

“ . . . The Lord Jesus, therefore, having fulfilled perfect and everlasting right-eousness, brought it in and presented it to the Father who, having accepted and sustained it for the justification of all who believe, lodged it with Him as Prime Minster of Heaven that as He wrought it out in the low condition of a bondservant, so He might dispense it in the exalted character of the Father’s honorary Servant. Accordingly, He is said to be made of God unto us Right-eousness; and in Isaiah 45:24 we have these words: ‘Surely shall one say, “In the Lord have I righteousness,” ' that is, in the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . "

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thurs., 12/12/24 Devotion (Jn. 5:6)

Today's encouragement comes from John 5:6, where we read these words:

"When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, 'Do you want to be made well?' "

At first glance Christ's question (above) to the lame man seems out of place. After all, does not everyone want to be "made well"? Actually, no; and this is why Jesus inquired of the infirm person. A lot of people are comfortable with their maladies—especially as they serve as excuses not to live responsibly before God. Some people literally do *not* "want" to be made well.

It is actually a blessing to desire good things—and health and well-being are two of them. It is one thing to be unwell (in whatever way this may be); but it is quite another thing to be content to be in that state. God would have us de-sire Christ, wholeness, and all good things—as His beloved church.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Sometimes persons live in ways of sin and are not sensible of it because they are blinded by common custom and the examples of others.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Necessity of Self-Exam-ination"]

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wed., 12/11/24 Devotion (Jn. 1:14a)

Today's encouragement comes from John 1:14a, where we read these amaz-ing words:

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . . . "

This word "Flesh" is very strong. It connotes a sense of the Son of God fully entering into our fallenness and its resulting misery, etc.—yet, of course, with no sin of His own (either original or actual). The historical fact of the incarna-tion of the God/Man has *perpetual* power. Our flesh-bound Messiah is now in heaven, but He is also still present and active in us, His church, today, through the presence and ennobling grace of the blessed Holy Spirit.

Therefore, in this joyous Advent season, let all God's redeemed children re-member that the One who "became flesh" for us is *still* with us, and one of us. He has made His church "bone of His bone," etc., (cf. Eph. 5:30).

[Puritan quote of the day: "The happiness of man consists in communion with God and conformity to Him.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tues., 12/10/24 Devotion (Lk. 24:5b)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 24:5b, where we read these words, spoken by the angels at Jesus' empty tomb:

" . . . 'Why do you seek the living among the dead?' "

This is still a germane question for us, today. How often do we seek "Christ" among dead things: our own works, bad theology, superstition, and putrid forms of false religion? The Living One, Jesus, is *just* that: the *Living* One. He has conquered death—even the death and sin of every regenerated Christian. Therefore, let us find our Savior where He *is*, and not look for Him where He is not. . . .

Jesus lives in the highest heaven, in His risen and glorified body; but He also lives in the humblest hearts of His churchmen, through His residing Spirit. Therefore, let us seek Him there—in both places. He will be found by us.

[Puritan quote of the day: "God has reserved us to these glorious times, bet-ter than our forefathers ever saw." —Richard Sibbes, in "Glorious Freedom"]

Monday, December 9, 2024

Mon., 12/9/24 Devotion (Lk. 23:12)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 23:12, where we read these words:

"That very day Pilate and Herod became friends with each other, for previous-ly they had been at enmity with each other."

Have we ever considered that the devil does quite well at holding his forces together? God's people could learn a lesson from this fact. We ought to be in-finitely *more* united around Jesus, and His church's gospel doctrine, than Satan and his followers are, around their hatred for Christ and His people.

What made Herod and Pilate like each other? Not their affinity for Jerusa-lem's finer restaurants. Instead, they stood arm-in-arm in opposition to the stated Kingship of Jesus. This is why even today we find false Christians uniting with Muslims, atheists, and all other unbelievers. They are all united together in their resistance to our unconquerable Sovereign, Christ the Lord.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The work and business of ministers of the gospel is, as it were, that of servants: to wash and cleanse the souls of men; for this is done by the preaching of the Word, which is their main business.” —Jona-than Edwards, in his sermon entitled, "Christ the Example of Ministers"]

Friday, December 6, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 12/6-8/24 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is almost here! As we prepare for the Lord's Day, here is some encouragement from Thomas Watson’s, "A Body of Divinity” book:

"We glorify God, by praising him. Doxology, or praise, is a God-exalting work. Ps. 1:23: ‘Whoever offers praise glorifies Me.’ The Hebrew word 'Bara,' to cre-ate, and 'Barak,' to praise, are little different, because the end of creation is to praise God. David was called the sweet singer of Israel, and his praising God was called glorifying God. Ps. 86:12: ‘I will praise You, O Lord my God, and I will glorify Your name.’

"Though nothing can add to God’s essential glory, yet praise exalts Him in the eyes of others. When we praise God, we spread His fame and renown; we display the trophies of His excellency. In this manner the angels glorify Him; they are the choristers of heaven, and do trumpet forth His praise. Praising God is one of the highest and purest acts of religion. In prayer we act like men; in praise we act like angels. Believers are called ‘temples of God,’ (1 Cor. 3:16). When our tongues praise, then the organs in God’s spiritual tem-ple are sounding."

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wed., 12/4/24 Devotion (2 Chron. 3:8a)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 3:8a, where we read these words:

"And he [Solomon] made the Most Holy Place. . . . "

What a remarkable statement (above). A fallen man, a sinner, would “make" the earthly most holy place—in the very pattern of what Jesus entered into for His church in heaven. God honors us, by giving us such amazing privileges. Think of it: Mary, a fallen soul, bears the sinless Christ Child. We, depraved sinners (in ourselves), become the vessels of the Blessed Holy Spirit, (see 2 Cor. 4:7).

The redeemed church—even now—is nestled in the very heart of the Holy Trinity, in that God's children are *in* the Son of God, who is now and forever both God and man. The worship offered by regenerated churchmen here on earth is perfectly received by God, in Jesus.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is not how much we do, but how much we love.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things for Good"]

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tues., 12/3/24 Devotion (1 Jn. 2:22)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 John 2:22, where we read these words:

“Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the anti-christ, he who denies the Father and the Son.”

Everyone who hears the clear gospel message, and yet continues to deny that Jesus is the Christ, is a liar. They are liars, because they know the truth, and yet willfully deny it. The gentle apostle (John) is even compelled to call these people “antichrists.”

The reason unrepentant sinners deny that Jesus is the Christ is not because of a lack of intelligence; rather, it is a stubborn insistence on maintaining their own alleged “righteousness.” Christ is the only true righteousness. All God’s authentic children embrace Him in faith and love.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Keep conscience clear and clean from secret sins. . . . Will you be so bold as to come before the God of heaven when He knows you maintain some secret sin in your hearts?” —Samuel Lee, in, "Secret Prayer Successfully Managed"]

Monday, December 2, 2024

Mon., 12/2/24 Devotion (Lk. 16:31)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 16:31, where we see these words, spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ:

"But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.' "

No one was ever turned to Christianity on the basis of beholding miracles—even the great one of Jesus' bodily resurrection. Instead, all those who are converted are so on the basis of *the* great miracle of regeneration (or new birth). No one really believes what the Bible teaches, either, until or unless the Holy Spirit gives them Christ's righteousness (and the subsequent new nature in Him).

Therefore, let us not be surprised at the recalcitrant blindness and rebellion of many people—even passionately religious ones—who simply *will* not be-lieve in the gospel. The truth is they *cannot* believe it, until God sovereignly calls them. Let us earnestly ask the Lord to do this for all our lost friends.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Now Christ and the church are all one. They make but one mystical body. The church is the queen, and Christ is the King."
—Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thurs.-Sabbath, 11/28-12/1/24 Devotion

Praise God—today is Thanksgiving; and Sunday is almost here! We get to go to church again. In order to help us prepare for worship, here is Richard Sib-bes, from his, "The Bruised Reed" book. . . .

“Overcoming Discouragements . . .

"Suffering brings discouragements, because of our impatience. 'Alas!,' we la-ment, 'I shall never get through such a trial.' But if God brings us into the trial He will be with us in the trial; and at length bring us out, more refined. We shall lose nothing but dross (Zech. 13:9). From our own strength we cannot bear the least trouble, but by the Spirit's assistance we can bear the greatest. The Spirit will add His shoulders to help us to bear our infirmities. The Lord will give His hand to lift us up (Psa. 37:24).

“ 'You have heard of the patience of Job,' says James (Jas. 5:11). We have heard of his impatience too, but it pleased God mercifully to overlook that. . . . And, to come to the matter we are now about, the sacrament [of The Lord's Supper]—it was ordained not for angels, but for humans; and not for perfect humans, but for weak humans . . . "

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wed., 11/27/24 Devotion (Lk. 10:20)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 10:20, where we read these words of our Savior:

"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

Faithful Christians are to rejoice (always), but we need to be a bit careful con-cerning those things about which we delight. The disciples (above) were thrilled that the devil cowered before them. Christ, on the other hand, would have us direct our excitement to the fact that we are sealed in heaven, by the blood of the Lamb.

The church's conquest of sin, sinners, Satan, and his demons is all a good thing. But we must always keep in mind the fact that God takes pleasure in positive salvation much more than He does the destruction of the wicked—and so should we.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Do you wonder why the grace of God has found such enemies as it always has, especially in religions in which works are mingled with grace?” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Tues., 11/26/24 Devotion (Lk. 11:37)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 11:37, fittingly, in this Thanks-giving season. There, we read these words:

"And as [Jesus] spoke, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. So He went in and sat down to eat."

Our Lord Jesus enjoyed some sumptuous meals during His first advent on earth. The pharisees—though short on humility—were typically long on show (and abundance). What do we learn from Christ's willingness to eat, even with a pharisee? That the gospel is to go to *all* sorts of people—even to those in the very *worst* spiritual conditions (as was the case with the pharisees).

The dinner conversation turned a bit gnarly, as we discover in vv. 39 ff.; but even there our Redeemer was doing his guest a favor, by exposing his sin, and directing him (the pharisee) to Himself (the Messiah).

[Puritan quote of the day: "So let us seriously and fruitfully consider what excellent times the Lord has set us in, and respond thankfully and obedi-ently.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Monday, November 25, 2024

Mon., 11/25/24 Devotion (Jon. 4:6)

Today's encouragement comes from Jonah 4:6, where we read these words:

"And the LORD God prepared a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery. So Jonah was very grateful for the plant."

To his credit, Jonah was "grateful for the plant"; but it would soon be evident that Jonah's thankfulness was piecemeal. When God removed the plant, Jo-nah became very peevish and churlish. When God refused to give Jonah a divine fireworks display, by blowing up Nineveh, it displeased the prophet greatly.

True gratitude that honors the Lord is universal and uniform. This does not mean that we Christian churchmen will always get it right; but it does mean that we are to set our hearts on being grateful to God for all things, be they "good" or "evil."

[Puritan quote of the day: "As the sun rises by degrees till it comes to shine in glory, so it was with the Sun of Righteousness [Christ]. He revealed Himself in the church little by little.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Friday, November 22, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 11/22-24/24 Devotion

Praise God—it is almost Sunday again. We *get* to go back to church! In or-der to help get us ready, here is Richard Sibbes, from his, "The Bruised Reed" classic. . . .

“Justification Leads To Sanctification

"This also shows that those are misled that make Christ to be only righteous-ness to us and not sanctification . . .  It is a great part of our happiness to be under such a Lord, who was not only born for us, and given to us, but has the government likewise upon His shoulder (Isa. 9:6, 7). He is our Sanctifier as well as our Savior . . .

" . . . In the course of our life, after we are in a state of grace, if we are over-taken with any sin, we must remember to have recourse first to Christ's mercy to pardon us, and then to the promise of His Spirit to govern us.

"And when we feel ourselves cold in affection and duty, the best way is to warm ourselves at this fire of His love and mercy in giving Himself for us.

"Again, remember this, that Christ rules us by a Spirit of love, from a sense of His love, whereby His commandments are easy to us. He leads us by His free Spirit, a Spirit of liberty. His subjects are willing ones. The constraint that He lays upon His subjects is that of love. He draws us sweetly with the cords of love. Yet remember also that He draws us strongly by a Spirit of power . . . Christ's Spirit must likewise subdue our hearts, and sanctify them to love
Him . . . "

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thurs., 11/21/24 Devotion (1 Chron. 16:26)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Chronicles 16:26, where we read these words:

"For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the LORD made the heavens."

Here (above) is a succinct creed, that aids in our basic understanding of life. There are idols; and there is the covenant God, the LORD. We either worship God in covenant in and through Jesus Christ, as His church; or we worship idols, in rebellion, ignorance, and/or general stupidity.

If God made the heavens, and He did—should we not trust Him, and love Him? After all, Jesus came from heaven, to earth, in His incarnation—so as to bring His elect church up to glory (in His resurrection). Let us praise our Tri-une God for this!

[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ took our flesh that He might make the hu-man nature appear lovely to God, and the divine nature appear lovely to man.” —Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wed., 11/20/24 Devotion (Lk. 4:20)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 4:20, where we read these words:

"Then He [Jesus] closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him."

In this world, the most opportune time for the people of God to collectively gaze upon Jesus intently is in church on Sunday—especially during the ser-mon, the sacrament, and the prayers. In today's text (above), the Lord Jesus is keeping the old Sabbath Day (Saturday). The citizens of Nazareth are do-ing so, too. They have heard the written Word of God read (by Christ), and now the Messiah is about to expound on it, through preaching. As He does so, the congregants are all locked-in on the Redeemer.

This is a good pattern for all of us who would be Christ's disciples today. Let *us* "fix our eyes on Jesus," (as per Heb. 12:2a). Then, upon leaving church, let us love and follow the Savior, (rather than seek to throw Him off a cliff, as the Nazarenes [later in this chapter] had hoped to do).

[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ is called grace. He is the grace of God cloth-ed with man's nature.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Tues., 11/19/24 Devotion (1 Chron. 14:12)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Chronicles 14:12, where we read these words:

"And when they [the Philistines] left their gods there, David gave a command-ment, and they were burned with fire."

To me, this is one of the most entertaining verses in all the Bible. The Philis-tines lug their heavy gods around; and after they get pummeled on the battle-field by David and the Israelites, they (the Philistines) dump their gods, and they do not even bother to haul them off with them (as they flee).

What good are gods that are so worthless, that people do not even deign to show them a little respect—even to get them off the field of battle?! But so it is with all idols: they are spiritual manure. They are good only for the burn pile (see above). All of our "sophisticated" idols need to be thrown on the fire, too.

[Edwards quote of the day: “God has sent forth His messengers, and appoint-ed ministers in His church, to be subordinate lights, to shine with the com-munications of His light, and to reflect the beams of His glory on the souls of men.” —Jonathan Edwards, from his sermon, "The True Excellency of a Gos-pel Minister"]

Monday, November 18, 2024

Mon., 11/18/24 Devotion (Lk. 2:10-11)

Today's encouragement comes from Luke 2:10 & 11, where we read these great words:

"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.' "

These familiar Advent season words are applicable to the church, and to the world, at any time of the year. When we are given to fear, let us remember that overwhelming joy (Christ) has been sent to us—and not only to us, but to "All people." This heavenly comfort and consolation has a Name, Jesus, who is "born to [us]" in time and space—in fulfillment of all the OT promises of God.

Therefore, it matters not so much what we face today, as much as it does the One we direct our faces to (in faith). If we would but look to Jesus today, and simply ask for His help—surely we will share in the joy of His incarnation and atonement (of sinners).

[Puritan quote of the day: "And by the Spirit we have the beginnings of these liberties in this world, too. For, what is peace of conscience and joy in the Holy Ghost? Is it not the beginnings of heaven . . . ?” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Friday, November 15, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 11/15-17/24 Devotion

Bless God—it is almost Sunday, again! In order to help us get ready for church, here are some great words from Jonathan Edwards. This comes from his, “A History of the Work of Redemption” book. . . .

“Another great design of God in the work of redemption was to gather togeth-er in one all things in Christ, in heaven and in earth, that is, all elect crea-tures; to bring all elect creatures, in heaven and in earth, to a union one to an-other in one body, under one Head, and to unite all together in one body to God the Father. This was begun soon after the Fall, and is carried on through all ages of the world, and finished at the end of the world.

“ . . . [God] intended to bring them to perfect excellency and beauty in His im-age, and in holiness, which is the proper beauty of spiritual beings; and to ad-vance them to a glorious degree of honor, and also to an ineffable pitch of pleasure and joy; and thus to glorify the whole church of elect [persons] in soul and body, and with them to bring the glory of the elect angels to its high-est pitch under one Head. The world which tends to this, God began immedi-ately after the Fall, and carries on through all ages, and will have perfected at the end of the world."

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thurs., 11/14/24 Devotion (Ps. 149:6)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 149:6, where we read these words:

"Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand . . . “

Note how the faithful Christian is at once a worshipper of God, and a soldier fighting under Christ's banner. There is no way to please God without praising Him. And there is nothing to praise God for, unless the saints see Christ's enemies fall under them. (These include sin, the flesh, the world, the devil, and the devil's agents—human and angelic.)

So, if we are regenerated by Jesus’ atonement, let us go into our ordinary routines today lifting up thanks to God; and lifting up the sword of the Spirit against His foes (and ours).

[Puritan quote of the day: "The church is a body to whom the whole world is beholden. It should be the joy of the earth, for it is the security of the whole earth.” —Nathaniel Vincent, in, "A Discourse Concerning Love"]

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wed., 11/13/24 Devotion (Ps. 147:11)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 147:11, which says this:

"The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy."

God created the world, in order to enjoy it. The Holy Trinity always experienc-es perfect and unremitted bliss. God is never perturbed about anything. But, if it may be said that the Lord's pleasure may be "added to," (and I think it *can* be said, [in a certain sense]), then those who "fear Him" are the ones that achieve this remarkable privileged status.

Do we fear the Lord—through our faith in Jesus, as His beloved church? If so, then let us take great comfort. God not only delights in us, He also cherishes us very dearly and tenderly.

[Puritan quote of the day: "If once you come to receive the mercy of God in and through Christ Jesus, then that mercy will be the greatest opposer of your lusts and sin as anything can be in the world.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, from, "Gospel Remission"]

Friday, November 1, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 11/1-3/24 Devotion

Bless God—Sunday is almost here. In order to help us get ready for the church worship services, here are good words from Jonathan Edwards' ser-mon, entitled, “The Holy Spirit Forever To Be Communicated To The Saints In The Grace of Charity, Or Divine Love.” . . .

“The Spirit of Christ is given to His church and people everlastingly to influ-ence and dwell in them. The Holy Spirit is the great purchase, or purchased gift, of Christ. The chief and sum of all the good things in this life and in the life to come that are purchased for the church is the Holy Spirit. And as He is the great purchase, so He is the great promise, or the great thing promised by God and Christ to the church. So said the Apostle Peter on the day of Pente-cost (Acts 2:32-33): ‘This Jesus . . . being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.’ This great purchase and promise of Christ is forever to be given to His church. He has promised that His church shall continue, and expressly declared that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And that it may be preserved, He has given His Holy Spirit to every true member of it, and promised the continuance of that Spirit for-ever. . . . "

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Thurs., 10/31/24 Devotion (2 Tim. 3:14)

Happy Reformation Day!

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Timothy 3:14, where we read these words:

"But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assur-ed of, knowing from whom you have learned them . . . "

As we come to a clearer and more glorious understanding of the gospel of Jesus—we must "continue" in it (that greater light). The blessed truth that re-generated Christians are *fully* righteous in God's sight—not because of our own alleged goodness—but because of the legally-imputed perfect right-eousness of Christ (received by us through faith in Jesus alone), becomes for us a great comfort.

Let us never move away from our lifeline, our happiness, and our power sup-ply—Who *is* our Lord Jesus Himself. Let us "continue" in His gospel, know-ing that we received it (ultimately) by divine revelation from God Himself.

[Puritan quote of the day: "For want of hearts full of love for God, men have heads full of error.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things For Good"]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wed., 10/30/24 Devotion (2 Tim. 2:1)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Timothy 2:1, where we read these words:

"You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."

This is a precious verse. What are we to be "strong" in? The "grace that is in Christ Jesus." What is this grace? It is sufficient grace—that is more than able to meet our specific, everyday and eternal needs. How are we "strong" in this grace? By faith. When we believe God, that He will answer our prayers, and help us in our needs—it greatly honors Him.

The thing to avoid, is the idea that we need to "get our acts together" *before* we can be strong in Christ's grace. The truth is, that this simple faith, whereby we appropriate to our hearts the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, *causes* us, in a legitimate, humble, and God-honoring way, to sort of "get our acts together.” All our strength is in Christ. We possess none of it in ourselves.

[Puritan quote of the day: "For from our neglect of prayer comes that dead-ness of spirit, that worldly-mindedness and unaptness to pray, to hear the Word, and to keep the Sabbath.” —John Preston, in his sermon entitled, "The Saint's Daily Exercise"]

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tues., 10/29/24 Devotion (2 Tim. 1:7)

Today's encouragement comes from 2 Timothy, chapter 1. There, in v. 7, the Apostle wrote this, to the sometimes-timid Timothy:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

People in the world, who are outside of Christ and His church, *ought* to be plagued with a constant spirit of fear. In their cases, they have plenty about which to be terrified. But the regenerate church member need not fear any-thing or anyone but God Himself. And our fear of God is a familial one, that is perfectly mingled with love. Our Heavenly Father has already expended all His righteous wrath against us and our sin on His Own dear Son Jesus. Be-cause of this, we Christian believers have nothing to fear.

But because we still bear in ourselves our old flesh nature, we still (regrettab-ly) experience unnecessary fear from time to time. Still, let us who love Christ totally own our birthrights, and live in full confidence—all in Jesus.

[Puritan quote of the day: "By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil, that is, in their judgment, will, mind, and affections.” —John Bunyan, in, "The Fear of God"]

Monday, October 28, 2024

Mon., 10/28/24 Devotion (1 Tim. 6:17b)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Timothy 6:17b, where we read these words:

" . . . But [let us trust] in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy."

I appreciate this text (above). Not only does the Lord give us, His churched children, enough to live on—He also provides us "*All* things to enjoy." In oth-er words, *everything* God has created is to be employed for and subsumed under the welfare and happiness of the faithful members of Christ's church.

Our Heavenly Father is not "stingy," as some misguided people would imag-ine Him. Instead, He is extraordinarily generous (with those who are His, in Christ). As a matter of fact, God is more than kind to *all* creatures: even to those who hate Him, and will experience His eternal wrath, (cf. Ps. 145:9). In Jesus Christ, let us more fervently love our benevolent God, who "gives us *richly* all things to enjoy."

[Puritan quote of the day: "A true Christian grows in beauty. Grace is the best complexion of the soul. It is, at the first planting, like Rachel: fair to look upon; but, the more it lives, the more it sends forth its rays of beauty.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]

Friday, October 25, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 10/25-27/24 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is almost here! In order to help us get ready for the Lord's Day church services, here is Thomas Watson, from, "A Body of Divin-ity.” . . .

"You that are Christians, believe that all God’s providence shall conspire for your good at last. The providences of God are sometimes dark, and our eyes dim, and we can hardly tell what to make of them; but when we cannot unrid-dle providence, let us believe that it will work together for the good of the elect, (Rom 8:28).

"The wheels in a clock seem to move contrary to one other, but they help for-ward the motion of the clock, and make the labrum [noise-maker] strike: so the providences of God seem to be at cross purposes; but for all that, they shall carry on the good of the elect. . . . Therefore, Christians, believe that God loves you, and that He will make the most cross providences to promote His glory and your good."

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thurs., 10/24/24 Devotion (Dan. 9:18b)

Today's encouragement comes from Daniel 9:18b, where Daniel prays these words:

" . . . For we do not present our supplications before You because of our righ-teous deeds, but because of Your great mercies."

If we had to approach God, and present our petitions to Him based on our righteous deeds, we would never arrive at our destination, ever. Besides that, we would have no basis for our prayers, because we do not *have* any sav-ingly righteous deeds. In other words, we have to be in a state of absolute moral and spiritual perfection to be heard by God.

This is why we may only come to God on the basis of Christ's righteousness alone, which is imputed to the saints in the true church, by sovereign grace. This is the ground on which we may and do rightly approach God. He will hear the prayers of those who come to Him through Jesus’ perfect atonement for sin. He disregards all other petitions and petitioners.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Hell did not know what it did when it crucified Christ; death, with all its armies, was put to death with Him.” —Richard Al-leine, in, "Heaven Opened"]

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wed., 10/23/24 Devotion (1 Tim. 1:15)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Timothy 1:15, where we read these amazing words of Paul:

"This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."

If we are sinners, and we know ourselves to be such—then there is real hope for us. Christ did not come to earth to save good people, (because there *are no* "good people"). Jesus did not come here to make people nice, nor civil, nor easy to get along with. Instead, He came here to redeem real vile sinners from their real and deadly sin.

Who is the "chief" of these sinners, according to Paul? Not the one we would consider the usual suspect—but rather the smug, self-righteous, religious pharisee. Paul was miraculously transformed from being one of these, into being a true and humble minister of Christ.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is a Christian's duty to triumph, not only over the world, but over Satan.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up For the Downcast"]

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tues., 10/22/24 Devotion (Ps. 115:3)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 115:3, which says this:

"But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases."

This is a great verse on the sovereignty of God: the doctrine that the Lord does what He wants to do; and that He is not beholden to anyone or any-thing. But sometimes we have to admit that we (even among the true church) do not always like the things the sovereign God allows to happen. After all, there are a lot of "negative" events that occur in our world (and even to our-selves).

What is the sincere and serious Christian to do about this? That is a very val-id question. We are to trust that the Maker of all things, and the Redeemer of His elect church understands and directs *all* things according to a great plan of His, (that He alone can and does fully comprehend). We are to believe that God has His saints' best interests in mind always; and that everything that happens ultimately accrues for the Holy Trinity's glory, the honor of Christ, and the welfare of the true church.

[Puritan quote of the day: "You have heaven while you are on earth when you have a contented spirit; yea, in some regards it is better than heaven.”
—Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment"]

Monday, October 21, 2024

Mon., 10/21/24 Devotion (Ps. 112:6b-7)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 112:6b & 7, where we read these words:

" . . . The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance. He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."

Whereas the memory of the wicked "rots," (Prov. 10:7); God's redeemed churchmen leave a blessed and enduring legacy and heritage. On top of this, those who are in Jesus, and who enjoy His righteousness, are not "afraid of evil tidings." Instead, their hearts are "steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

Why is this important? Because circumstances of life—be they of whatever sort—are not to determine how happy, nor how settled we are. Let us fight a good fight of faith; let us run a good race of faith; and let us keep the faith—but, at the end of the day, let us leave it all in the good and sovereign hands of our faithful God.

[Edwards quote of the day: "If you have the favor of God, this doctrine [of en-couragement] teaches you that you need not be afraid of enemies; for who-ever is your enemy, God looks upon as His enemy.” —Jonathan Edwards, in one of his sermons]

Friday, October 18, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 10/18-20/24 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is almost here! We get to worship God, corporately! In order to help get us ready for church, here is the incomparable Thomas Wat-son, from his work entitled, "The Happiness of Drawing Near to God.” . . .

"And as Christ makes the way for us into the Holy of Holies by His incarna-tion: so by His crucifixion, He died to make God and us friends. The divine law being infringed, God's justice was provoked, and satisfaction was de-manded, before we could approach to God in an amicable way. Now here Christ as our Priest shed His blood for our sins, and so made the atonement, (Col. 1:20): 'Having made peace through the blood of His cross.' As Joseph being so great at court, made way for all his brethren to draw near into the king's presence, (Gen. 47:2)—so Jesus Christ is our Joseph, who makes the way for us by His blood, that we may now come near into God's presence. Through Christ, God is pleased with us; He holds forth the golden scepter, that we may draw near, and touch the top of the scepter."

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thurs., 10/17/24 Devotion (Dan. 2:44)

Today's encouragement comes from Daniel 2:44, where we read these words:

"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."

Daniel is speaking to Nebuchadnezzar here, and he is explaining the king's dream. The "kingdom" that Daniel is referring to here, is the establishment of, and the proliferation of the New Covenant church, by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Savior's kingdom is now in the process of "break[ing] in[to] pieces" all op-posing "kingdoms."

Some of these counterfeit "kingdoms" arise even among professing, errant Christians. Others of them are wholly and self-proclaimedly "anti-Christian." All of them are in the process of falling at the feet of King Jesus. For this, let all the churched kingdom people give Him praise—even now.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Many, in a fit of terror, are willing to do or to suffer anything to keep out of hell and go to heaven; but when the fit is over, they will not deny themselves and take up the cross to follow Christ.” —Isaac Am-brose, in, "The Christian Warrior"]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wed., 10/16/24 Devotion (1 Thess. 2:4)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Thessalonians 2:4, where we read these words:

"But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts."

The ministers of the church who are truly called by God are sent to speak to all people everywhere the gospel of Christ's grace. But we are to do so with our minds on the Triune God first. God is our principal “Audience.” What is it that *God* wants us to say? This is what must be preached. The faithful cler-gy do not poll the people, to determine what they want to hear. Instead, we "poll" the Lord (via His written Word), in order to know what He would have us proclaim.

This principle is then passed down to the entire church, wherein the people of God begin to think this way, too. They begin to ask, "What is it that Christ would have me do, and say?" This is the way to be effective for Jesus in the world. Then, when God "tests our hearts," we pass with flying colors—be-cause of Christ alone.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ is in the ship of His church; do not fear sink-ing. The church's anchor is cast in heaven. Do we not think that God loves His church, and takes as much care of it as we can?” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tues., 10/15/24 Devotion (1 Ki. 18:21a)

Today's encouragement comes from 1 Kings 18:21a, where we read these words:

"And Elijah came to all the people, and said, 'How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him. . . . ' "

I like this perspective, put forth by the prophet Elijah. Even today this principle still applies. All people worship some deity (alleged, or true). Our attitude should sincerely be: "Let the best [God] win." Is the Muslim god the true one? Then everybody should worship it. Is the atheists' god the true one? Then we should bow down to it. Is the secularists' god true? Let all men honor it (or her, or whatever). Is the Triune God of the faithful Christian church the only Real Deity that exists? Then, all human beings should worship Him.

. . . It turns out that the Holy Trinity *is* the one and only God. We know this—among other reasons—by the resurrection of the Son of God, who lives and reigns today. Christ can withstand all pretenders to His throne. Let us worship the Christian God; and not fear any of the fake ones.

[Puritan quote of the day: "There are the greatest reasons in the world to be a Christian . . . “ —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mon., 10/14/24 Devotion (Ezek. 47:12b)

Today's encouragement comes from Ezekiel 47:12b, where we read these amazing words:

"They [the trees] will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."

The first part of Ezekiel, ch. 47, is remarkable—one of my favorite sections of the Bible. The expanse of the New Covenant church, and the spread of Jesus' gospel of grace are all in view here. This is all happening today. Christ dwells in the "sanctuary," (the church). The church, through the Holy Spirit's application of the gospel, feeds, nourishes, and heals the world. And, in time, the "knowledge of the Lord covers the earth, as the waters cover the sea.” (Cf. Hab. 2:14.)

Let us be thankful that the God of heaven has *not* abandoned His fallen world, or the people therein. He has left His colony, the church, here. As the Body of Christ, let us be "feeders" and "healers" of the whole earth—through the preaching of the gospel of our Redeemer’s free and abundant grace.

[Puritan quote of the day: "Grace continues and increases.” —Richard Sib-bes, in "Glorious Freedom"]

Friday, October 11, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 10/11-13/24 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is almost here. In order to help get us ready for church, here is Thomas Watson, from his, "The Lord's Prayer” book. . . .

"If all be a gift, then it is not a debt, and we cannot say to God as that creditor who said, 'Pay me what you owe,' (Matt. 18:28). Who can make God a debt-or, or do any act that is obliging and meritorious? Whatever we receive from God is a gift; we can give nothing to Him but what He has given to us. 'All things come from You, and of Your own have we given to You, ' (1 Chron. 29:14).

"David and his people offered to the building of God's house gold and silver, but they offered nothing but what God had given them. 'Of Your own have we given You.' If we love God, it is He that has given us a heart to love Him. If we praise Him, He both gives us the organ of tongue, and puts it in tune. If we give alms to others, He has given alms to us first, so that we may say, 'We of-fer, O Lord, of Your own to You.' Is all a gift, how absurd, then, is the doctrine of merit? . . . We cannot deserve a bit of bread, much less a crown of glory. If all be a gift, then merit is exploded, and shut out of doors."

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thurs., 10/10/24 Devotion (Col. 1:16a)

Today's encouragement comes from Colossians 1:16a, where we read these words of Paul:

"For by Him [Christ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible . . . "

God created everything that is—everything that has a real essence; and He did this through His Son, Christ our Lord. There may be discussions (some-times legitimate) about whether this was an instantaneous creation, or not—but the germane fact is that God created everything, and He did it through Christ (The Word). Nothing exists that God did not create. (The Lord did not create sin or any evil—as these privations of good do not have a real es-sence.)

In the beauty of this season, let us thank God for His power and glory in His creation. But let us do this with an eye to something even greater: the re-cre-ation of dead souls, who now make up the regenerated members of the body (church) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[Puritan quote of the day: "The hypocrite takes more care to make a covenant than to keep it, and is more studious to enter into religion than that religion should enter into him.” —Thomas Watson, in his sermon, "God's Anatomy Upon Man's Heart"]

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wed., 10/9/24 Devotion (Ps. 94:19)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 94:19, where we read these words:

"In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul."

This verse describes life in the fallen world infected with sin. The faithful churchman does indeed feel "anxieties"; but he or she also experiences abundant "comforts" in Christ. False forms of Christianity argue that these two are incompatible. The Scripture, on the other hand, affirms that both conster-nation *and* consolation coexist in the children of God.

Even our Savior had "anxieties." Do we remember His time in the Garden of Gethsemane? But our comforts in Christ outweigh our troubles in a shaken world. Let us thank our good and loving God for this.

[Puritan quote of the day: "It is a vain thing to think that true religion can be maintained, and have the liberty of it, without some difference of opinion among us.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "Hope"]

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tues., 10/8/24 Devotion (Ps. 92:13-14)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 92:13 & 14, where we read these great words:

"Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flour-ishing . . . "

Where are we "planted" most in this world? Are we *most* invested in our ca-reers, our businesses, our civic concerns, and/or our families and homes? If so, then we will be eventually uprooted by the storms of life on a fallen planet. Only those who are firmly ingrafted into Christ and His church are able to withstand the forces set against them. On top of this, they are also able to re-main "fruitful" all the way to their last breath.

Let us love who and what God Himself loves: Christ, His gospel, and His church. As we do so, we are invincible—no matter what the world, the flesh, or the devil throws at us.

[Puritan quote of the day: "No matter what storms I meet with, I know where to put in for harbor. He who has God to be his God is so well contented with his condition that he does not much care whether he has anything else.”
—Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]

Monday, October 7, 2024

Mon., 10/7/24 Devotion (Ps. 91:9-10)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 91:9 & 10, where we read these words:

"Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling . . . "

Those who are safely trusting in Jesus' blood atonement alone to protect them from the condemnation of sin's righteous judgment of them are the only people on earth who will weather the storms of this life (and the next). God is the Christian churchman's "dwelling place" by faith. Faith, not anything else, proves to be our key to victory (1 Jn. 5:4b), since it directly binds us to Christ.

Do we want to be safe from the most real and fearful evils? Then, as the church, let us be given over entirely to Jesus alone. Let us not trust our-selves, our works, or our performance. Instead, let us “make” the LORD “our refuge."

[Puritan quote of the day: "All the wicked, still, are under the covenant of works . . . “ —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up For the Downcast"]

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fri.-Sabbath, 10/4-6/24 Devotion

Praise God—Sunday is almost here again! In order to help us get ready for the church’s worship of our Triune God, here are good words from Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, entitled, “Charity More Excellent Than the Extraordinary Gifts of The Spirit.” . . .

“The grace of God in the heart is a gift of the Holy Spirit peculiar to the saints; it is a blessing that God reserves only for those who are the objects of His special and peculiar love. But the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit are what God sometimes bestows on those whom He does not love, but hates, which is a sure sign that the one is infinitely more precious and excellent than the other. That is the most precious gift that is most an evidence of God’s love. But the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit were, in the days of inspiration and miracles, no sure sign of the love of God. The prophets were not wont to build their persuasion of the favor and love of God on their being prophets and hav-ing revelations, but on their being sincere saints. Thus it was with David (see Psalm 15:1-5; 17:1-3; and 119 throughout); indeed, the whole book of Psalms bears witness to this.

“Though the Apostle Paul was so greatly privileged with the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, he was yet so far from marring the evidences of his good estate that he expressly declares that without charity they are all nothing."

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thurs., 10/3/24 Devotion (Eph. 3:21)

Today's encouragement comes from Ephesians 3:21, where we read these words:

" . . . to Him [God] be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

God will get His greatest levels of glory in and through Christ’s true and re-deemed church—more than anywhere else. The reason for this, is that the regenerate saints (who make it up) are the recipients of the most miraculous and marvelous grace. They are given the very best of heaven, even while they are here on the earth. And this most wonderful gift is that of the Son of God Himself.

Let us build our lives around Christ. If we will do this, we will inevitably find ourselves relishing and serving His church. Let us do all this by grace, through faith in Jesus.

[Puritan quote of the day: "If God brings any beginnings of grace to truth, the victory is already gotten.” —Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit"]